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Manthan Anand Shah

Manthan is a motivated individual with a positive track record in impact work. In Madrid, at Design for Change, he worked as an organizer for their ‘I Can Global Summit’, Rome, he drafted the proposals for UNESCO Hamdan grant and X Prize fundraising. In Singapore, at Ashoka, he was the project manager for Bosche’s ChangemakerXchange and […]

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Khush Tushar Shah

I’m a 20-year-old student at the University of Warwick, UK, pursuing my Bachelors in Economics, Politics and International Studies. Ultimately I aim to work in the field of environmental sustainability, combining my knowledge in Economics and Politics in hopes of amplifying changes being made to combat climate change and pollution. I have had a keen […]

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Akhil Pawar

Akhil Pawar is currently a Project Manager at Yunus Social Business (YSB), where he is supporting the World Economic Forum’s COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs. Prior to this Akhil was part of the YSB India fund team, investing and supporting social businesses in India. YSB is a global philanthropic venture fund and impact advisory firm, […]

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